● For full details on our route, transport info, hotel details, etc, look at our Google Maps page

Thursday, 4 September 2008

At last! MASSIVE update from the last 2 months!

As you'll see below, we've finally got our act together to give you all the latest from our trip.

In chronological order, we've just uploaded the following stories and pictures!

9th - 11th July - Guayaquil
11th - 14th July - Riobamba
14th - 15th July - Quito
15th - 18th July - Panama
18th - 22nd July - Los Angeles
23rd July - The day we didn't have...
24th - 31st July - Fiji
31st July - 30th August - Sydney
30th August - 2nd September - Melbourne

We know you've all been waiting for these for ages so we hope you enjoy them!

Following on from Indonesia, we are now in Malaysian Borneo. We won't wait as long to update next time!

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